We believe in this land

We are blessed with an incredibly beautiful landscape; unique in the world. There is no way our company philosophy could not be focused on organic and the least possible negative impact on the environment.

Organic from 1996

Our oil, our wine, our estate.

Genuine values, Human one

The love we put into our products is down to the passion we each hold for our work.

Davide Borselli
the heart

Young agricultural entrepreneur, born and raised on this farm, has always been dedicated to the cultivation of olive trees and vines.

Maura Baldi
the mind

Known as ``la Baldi``, all events are carefully created and realized thanks to her imagination!

Paolo Zamperini
produzione e controllo qualità

If all our products always come out to their fullest potential and qualitatively perfect, all merit is certainly due to him.

Letizia Bindi
marketing e hospitality

She will welcome you to our farm to find out how and where our wines and organic oils are born.


from organic farming

The Olivastra Seggianese

An organic world to be discovered

The Restaurant

A family-run restaurant circled by olive groves

A passion to share

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star rating  Non sono solita scrivere recensioni negative, piuttosto preferisco il silenzio rispetto allo screditare un posto.
Ma qui non posso rimanere zitta.
Non capisco come un posto del genere possa avere... read more

avatar thumb zanitravel
2 August 2020

star rating  Siamo arrivati al ristorante l'olivastra appena entrati ci siamo resi conto perche tuTti ce ne avevano parlato bene.... Le sue grandi vetrate hanno un panorama da mozzare il fiato insieme... read more

avatar thumb hasuboy
25 September 2011